Commander John Young and Lunar Module Pilot Charlie Duke explored the surface in their lunar rover, traveling a total of 16.7 miles (26.9 km) and collecting 211 pounds (95.7 kg) of samples, while Command Module Pilot Thomas K. Their site north of Descartes crater was the only Apollo site in purely highlands terrain, where the surface is older, lighter in color, and more heavily cratered, in contrast to the darker basalts of the maria. Houston time on Ap(April 21 at 2:23 UTC). Apollo 16 landed on the Moon at 8:23 p.m. The camera flies from the east to the Apollo 16 landing site, then flies north to North Ray crater. Includes an introductory slate, astronaut audio, and music.Music provided by Universal Production Music: The Orion Arm – Christian Telford, David Travis Edwards, Matthew St Laurent, and Robert Anthony Navarro.Watch this video on the NASA Goddard YouTube channel. Because the LM in the NAC image looks oddly flat when viewed at an oblique angle, a 3D model of the descent stage was added. This visualization uses LROC NAC image M175428601 (40 cm per pixel) and a digital terrain model derived from NAC stereo image pairs (2 meters per pixel) to fly over the Apollo 12 landing site. the components of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP).the inverted-umbrella shape of the S-band antenna.the PLSS backpacks, discarded at the foot of the LM ladder.In images of the landing site taken more than four decades later by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, a number of artifacts are clearly visible. The Surveyor camera is currently on display at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. On their second EVA, the astronauts retrieved pieces of Surveyor so that engineers could study the effects of years spent on the lunar surface. The Lunar Module, nicknamed Intrepid and flown by Charles "Pete" Conrad and Alan Bean, made a pinpoint landing just 160 meters (520 feet) from the Surveyor 3 probe that had landed two and a half years earlier.

Houston time on November 19, 1969, four months after Apollo 11. Music provided by Universal Production Music: "The Return" - Axel Tenner, Michael Schluecker, Raphael Schalz.Īpollo 12 landed on the Moon a little before 1:00 a.m. The locations of the flag shadow, experiment package, astronaut paths, and the Surveyor 3 spacecraft are marked. The Apollo 12 landing site visualized in three dimensions using photography and a stereo digital elevation model from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera.