Does anyone else here use this tester? I’m kinda annoyed by having to do math to try to figure out if the part is actually in spec or not. Not in the sense that it shows pass and fail any more clear than what this version does.
#Transistor tester dca55 pro#
The Pro version of this tester gives more options and the ability to connect it to a computer but I don’t think it makes it better. I’ve seen what I thought was a bad transistor because of a low gain number when I believe it was simply because the test voltage was much lower than what was listed on the data sheet. I’ve seen it show transistors as diode junctions when they were bad instead of saying the part was faulty. Of course those numbers aren’t right for the tester, that’s just an example. A rough example, if a transistor is tested at 12v and gives a gain of 25 and the tester is only testing at 6v and gives a gain of 12, its most likely good. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong here but I believe since it test as a much lower voltage than what’s listed on the data sheet for a given device, you have to do some math. I believe this thing doesn’t always give a clear “pass” or “fail”. So my question, if you’ve stuck around through all that jibber jabber, is there a better tester that is affordable? Or, am I using the thing wrong or overlooking the numbers it’s giving me? Lesson learned for buying those from Mouser. Every 1674 I put in, useless, no more receive than the bad part. I have plenty of 945’s and 1674’s that I bought from Mouser but they are absolute turds and worthless. It also works with a 2SC945 in place or a 2SC1675. Hunting for one in the parts bin, changing it out, presto!! The receive comes back to life. But there’s nothing wrong except this one part, the 2SC1674.

So at this point, I hunt for another possible cause, something that has to be wrong to pull that collector down. Lifting the collector, you can faintly hear the tone being injected. The part is a 2SC1674 but the receive is very weak, basically not even there.

Recently, testing the first IF amp in a receiver, this thing shows the transistor as being good.
#Transistor tester dca55 how to#
I’ve found it to be a huge liar, maybe I got a dud, I don’t know, maybe I just don’t know how to use it either. It’s not terribly expensive but it’s not cheap either. I’ve got the Atlas DCA55 to test transistors, I’m not too impressed with it, not for the price.